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Toru Takahashi

Mr. Takahashi serves as managing director of GLOBIS Global Education, providing leader training programs to corporate clients around the world. During his time with Marubeni Corporation in Belgium, he lent his expertise to infrastructure development projects in Iran. He currently serves as the representative director of Singapore-based GLOBIS Asia Campus Pte Ltd. and GLOBIS Thailand Co. Ltd.

Stanford Executive Program, Stanford Graduate School of Business
BA of Economics, Sophia University

Lecturer Message

Who likes accounting? Who does not like accounting? I would like to encourage both types of students to learn accounting as a manager. If you understand the basic principle, you will experience how much easier accounting is than you thought. In my class you will also learn how business activities reflect upon the financial statement, similarly, you will be able to imagine business characteristics through looking at the statement. Consequently, you will become a master of accounting, the global business language!